
The percentage of steel structures in building construction is going higher
and higher in recent years.
The safety and quality control regarding steel structural buildings have
been discussed for improvements over the past years. Especially since Hyogo-ken
Nanbu Earthquake in 1995, its role to protect people's lives and properties
has been a great concern of both general public and those in the field
of steel construction.
About 30 years ago when Japan was in the middle of 'Bubble Economy', steel
structural buildings increased dramatically, but at the same time, the serious
problems such as weld flaws also increased. After a careful consideration
for the measure devised to deal with those problems, in March of 1993, Technical
Committee for Rationalization of Problems in Steel Structural Buildings(Chairman:
Prof. Morihisa Fujimoto), which was set up as a consultative body of Housing
Bureau of Ministry of Construction, issued the Report on Rationalization
of the Problems in Steel Structural Buildings.
In July of 1993, taking the Report into consideration, JSSC set up Special
Committee for Steel Structure (Chairman: Prof. Morihisa Fujimoto), conducted
a careful three-year survey on the reality of the field of steel construction,
actual situations of engineers and existing regulations, and talked over
the measures to ensure the quality of steel structural buildings and the
proposals to set up the system of qualified engineers, both of which were
suggested in the Report. As a result of that, JSSC, with relative societies
regarding construction, Administrative agencies and specialists regarding
steel construction, established Organization for Building Steel Structure
Qualification (OBSSQ) in July of 1996, and initiated the system of Qualifications
of Quality Control Administrator for Constructional Steel Structure as a
consensus of those in the field of steel construction in 1998.

For the purpose of carrying out the administration of Certifying Work of
Qualification and this organization fairly as well as smoothly, OBSSQ, with
participation of the representatives of organizations concerned, has set
up Administrative Meeting as the supreme organ and Certifying Committee,
which carry out certifying work and registration for each qualified engineer.
In addition, Technical Committees, which approve of implementation guidance
of examinations and seminars, make the decision to pass or fail candidates,
and Execution Committees, which make the questions of examination, edit
the textbooks for seminars, and operate examinations and seminars, have
been set up for each category of qualified engineers.